******************************* 開 催 要 領 **********************************

1. 日時:2007年6月8日(金)14:00〜17:30

2. 場所: SRA先端技術研究所(四谷三丁目) 会議室


3. プログラム (予定)

13:30〜14:00 受付
14:00〜17:30 講演および質疑

Speaker:Gustavo Cabral (The University of Tokyo)

Title : Formal Specifications Generation and Possible Applications

Abstract :

The ultimate goal in software engineering is to deliver the right system
with quality, on-time, and within the budget. The utilization of tools
to automate development process activities appears as a viable way to
achieve such goal. Therefore, the automatic generation of formal
specifications from requirements and design artifacts suppress the
complexity of formal models manual creation and reveal the benefits of
its usage, such as the possibility to accomplish formal refinements and
properties verifications; project cost reduction and quality improvement
are indirect achievement.

This presentation shows Controlled Natural Language (CNL), which is a
subset of the English language, used to write use case specifications
according to a template. In addition to that, a complete strategy and
tools enable the generation of process algebraic formal models (in CSP
notation) from these use cases in CNL. We define templates that
represent requirements at different levels of abstraction, which denotes
different views of the system behavior. Moreover, a refinement notion is
defined to connect the generated CSP models in an event mapping relation
between abstract and concrete models. This notion is further applied to
detail use cases specifications and automatically validate its behavior
through its actual execution.

4. 参加費:

社会人 1,000円,学生 500円

5. 定 員: 11名 (先着順にて締切ります)

6. 懇親会:18時ごろから四谷3丁目周辺で行う予定です。

7. 申込み方法:

下の申込用紙に必要事項を御記入の上, E-Mail で下記宛てにお申込みください.なお,参加費は当日会場受付にてお支払いください(領収書を差し上げます).

申込み宛先: ss@shinsahara.com


SIGFM 月例会 (June. 2007) 参加申込

住所: (〒 )
種別(該当欄にチェック): □ 社会人 □ 学生
