日時 2005年5月13日(金)
場所: SRA先端技術研究所会議室
SEA sigfm世話人の佐原です。前回から、大分間が空いてしまいましたが、SEA
SIGFM 月例会のお知らせです。
今回の研究会は、フィンランドAbo Akademi UniversityのRalph-Johan Back先生をお招きして、大規模で要求変更の多いシステムに使うIncremental
Software Constructionについてお話し頂くことになりました。
13:30〜14:00 受付
14:00〜16:45 講演および質疑
題 :Incremental Software Construction
講師: Ralph-Johan Back先生
社会人 1,000円,学生 500円
下の申込用紙に必要事項を御記入の上, E-Mail で下記宛てにお申込みください.なお,参加費は当日会場受付にてお支払いください(領収書を差し上げます).
申込み宛先: ss@shinsahara.com
SIGFM 月例会 (May. 2005) 参加申込
住所: (〒 )
種別(該当欄にチェック): □ 社会人 □ 学生
Prof. Ralph-Johan Back
Ralph-Johan Back is Professor of Computer Science at Abo Akademi University,
Turku, Finland. He has presently a 5-year research position (Academy professor)
at the Academy of Finland. He is the director for one of the Centers of Excellence
nominated and funded by the Academy of Finland (Center for Formal Methods in
Programming). He is the founder of TUCS (Turku Centre for Computer Science)
and its first director, 1993 -2000. He recieved his Ph.D. from University of
Helsinki in 1978. He has spent a post doctoral year at the Mathematical Center
(now CWI) in Amsterdam (1979-80), held a professors position at the University
of Tampere (1982-83), and been a visiting professor at Caltech (1991-92) and
Universty of Utrecht (1994). He is the inventor of the Refinement Calculus (1978)
and the co-inventor of the Action system formalism (1982, together with Reino
Kurki-Suonio). He has written two books on the Refinement Calculus, one published
in 1980 and the second (jointly with Joakim von Wright) in 1998. His main interests
are formal methods (in particular programming logics, programing methods, semantics
and mechanized reasoning), distributed and parallel systems, multiprocessor
technology, software engineering and teaching of mathematics. He is a member
of IFIP WG 2.3 and Academia Europea.