期日 2001年7月6日(金)
場所 川崎市産業振興会館(川崎駅徒歩7分)
Formal methods have been developed as a rigorous approach to computer systems development over last three decades, but has been facing strong challenges in fighting for industrial acceptance at large. Most commonly used formal methods do not offer effective and comprehensible structuring mechanism for building complex systems; formal refinement rules are insufficient in dealing with real development situations; and formal verification is not capable of validating systems, although it may be useful in verifying the correctness of programs against their formal specifications. To support application of formal methods in industrial setting, many open problems remain to be resolved.
Over last 10 years, we have developed the SOFL specification language and method for software development, aiming to address those problems. As a specification language, SOFL integrates VDM-SL, Data Flow Diagrams, and Petri Nets to provide an intuitive, rigorous, and comprehensible formal notation for specifications at different levels. As a method, it combines structured methods and object-oriented methods, and advocates an evolutionary approach to constructing specifications; it integrates the idea of formal proof and commonly used verification and validation techniques, such as testing and reviews, to offer rigorous but practical verification techniques.
In this talk, I will give a detailed analysis of the problems
formal methods are facing in both theory and practice, and present
SOFL language and method as a Formal Engineering Method for complex
systems development.
Shaoying Liu (劉少英)
Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
Hosei University(法政大学)
SEA チュートリアル (July. 2001) 参加申込用紙
住所: (〒 − )
種別(該当欄にチェック):□ 社会人 1,000円
□ 学生 500円